Character Creation Procedure

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Character sheets are now available online!

PDF (A4, 631kb) PNG (2480x3507, 3.0mb)

The PDF is recommended but the PNG is there just in case. They’re both in colour, but are intended to be printed in black and white (the PDF isn’t form-fillable – if you want a digital copy you can download the PNG and edit it with MSPaint or whatever). Once you have a copy in-hand you can follow the procedure below.

  1. Choose sex: Man or Woman. Men tend to be foolhardy, women are often physically weak. Women gain an additional +2 bonus to all rolls to resist diseases of all sorts, magical or otherwise.

  2. Roll stats. These are Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma, rolled in the traditional manner, ie. on six-sided dice. Your sex dictates your potential, as per the table below, which shows the number of dice to roll for each stat:

Stat Male Female
Strength 3 2+1
Intelligence 3 3
Wisdom 2+1 3
Dexterity 3 3
Constitution 3 3
Charisma 3 3

‘3’ indicates you should sum the total of three six-sided dice for that stat, for a potential score of between 3 and 18. ‘2+1’ means roll two six-siders and add one, giving a range between 3 and 13.

  1. Record stat bonuses as appropriate. Those confused should consult the guide here. Do not skip this step!

  2. Select your character’s alignment. Valid choices are:

  1. Choose your character’s race. This effectively provides the character with a second class and new abilities, at the cost of slower character advancement. The options are Human, Changeling (ie. Half-Elves) and Dwarfkin (those adopted the supernatural spirits of the earth). Learn more here.

  2. Choose a primary class from Fighter, Magic-User or Thief. Learn about your available choices here. If your character is a Changeling you should decide whether to act as a Fighter or a Magic-User.

For convenience, here are the relevant values for each class at first level:

Class Level Title XP required Attack
Hit Dice Saving
Fighter 1 Fighter 0 +1 1+2 13 +1
(vs. attacks)
Magic-User 1 Famulus 0 0 1 16 +4
(vs. spells)
Thief 1 Borrower 0 0 (+9) 1 15 +2
(vs. traps)
  1. Roll hit points. Roll whatever is listed under ‘Hit Dice’ in the relevant column in your preferred class’ descriptive table. These are always six-sided dice, so a first level Fighter has between 3-8 hit points by default (1 die plus 2). This is modified by the character’s Constitution stat.

If unsatisfied with the initial roll, another may be attempted, but the second throw is inalterable (even if lower than the first attempt).

  1. Record your starting languages, based on your class. These are:

Changelings qualify as Magic-Users for both starting languages and language acquisition.

  1. Roll for additional languages [7VoZ]. Using percentile dice, roll first on the Language Type table, then roll on the appropriate table for the language rarity indicated.

  2. If a Magic-User, select spells for transcription into your spell book [Holmes]. You may begin with the minimum number of first-level spells known, as per your characters Intelligence or Wisdom statistic, so recorded. One of these spells is always Read Magic (any prospective Magic-User who proves unable to learn this most fundamental spell is expeditiously referred to the local Fighter’s Guild by their former mentors). Each spell to be recorded may be selected by the player, but must be diced for against the percentage chance to know spell, also as per the character’s Intelligence; if this value is exceeded on percentile dice, another prospective spell may be selected and rolled for, until such time as the aforementioned minimum number of spells has been acquired. If the character proves so doltish that, when the full list of spells has been diced for and the minimum number was not reached, he may reroll for previously failed spells.

  3. Purchase starting equipment. Each character begins with between 30 and 180 silver pieces to spend (ie. the total of three six-sided dice, multiplied by ten). The equipment list can be found here.

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