Stat Bonuses Explained

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Strength (STR)

STR Score Damage Bonus Open Doors Encumbrance
3-6 -1 1 in 6 -
7-12 0 2 in 6 -
13 0 2 in 6 -1
14 0 2 in 6 -2
15 +1 3 in 6 -3
16 +1 3 in 6 -4
17 +1 3 in 6 -5
18 +1 3 in 6 -6

(This requires some justification, as it is odd to subtract only from two sources of encumbrance. Since we are using the 7VoZ ‘dot’ encumbrance rules, and each dot is an abstraction of both weight and bulkiness, it seems to me that neither armour nor coins are particularly bulky, therefore a strong character may ignore their weight more easily than a weak one. Meanwhile, other objects get in the strong character’s way as much as they do a weaker one – swords catching in doorways, etc. – so it is less appropriate to modify their total encumbrance)

Roll six six-sided dice under Strength score.

Intelligence (INT)

INT Score % to Know: Min./Max. # of Spells:
3-4 20% 2
5-7 30% 3
8-9 40% 4
10-12 50% 5
13-14 65% 6
15-16 75% 8
17 85% 10
18 95% 15

Fighters and Thieves:

INT Score Extra Languages
13-15: 1 additional language
16-17: 2 additional languages
18: 3 additional languages


1 additional language per point of INT better than 10 (ie. 1 additional language at 11 INT, 3 at 13 INT, 7 at 17 INT, 8 at 18 INT, etc.)

Wisdom (WIS)

WIS Score Turn Undead Bonus Min./Max. # of Spells:
3-7 -2 4
8-9 - 5
10-11 - 6
12-13 - 7
14 +2 8
15 +2 10
16 +2 12
17 +2 15
18 +2 20

Dexterity (DEX)

DEX Score Missile Adds
8 or worse: -1
13 or better: +1

Constititon (CON)

CON Score HP Adjustment System Shock
3-6 -1 30%
7-10 0 50%
11-12 0 75%
13-14 0 85%
15 +1 90%
16 +1 95%
17 +1 98%
18 +1 99%

Charisma (CHA)

CHA Score # Retainers Loyalty Reaction
3-4 1 -2 -1
5-6 2 -2 -1
7-9 3 0 0
10-12 4 0 0
13-14 5 +1 0
15 5 +1 +1
16 6 +2 +1
17 6 +2 +1
18 [10] +4 +1

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