Available Classes

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Soldiers, champions, and other warriors who engage in toe-to-toe and missile combat. Of all the classes they are the most formidable in attack and can withstand the most damage. A fighter has the use of any armor or shield and all weaponry, including missiles and spears. Moreover, magic swords and the majority of other enchanted weapons are usable exclusively by them.

In melee combat versus normal-types a fighter [can throw] one attack roll as a 1st level fighter for each of his own hit die. Starting at 4th level he adds +1 to morale checks of any troops he leads in combat, and he will not be targeted by normal-types while there are normal targets available.

At 8th level and above a fighter is aware of invisible opponents within [30’] and normal-types require a positive morale check to stand their ground if he charges them. He is unable to cast spells, however, and has a limited selection of other magical items.

When a fighter achieves 9th level he can establish a stronghold and declare himself its Lord. If the surrounding countryside is kept clear of monsters this holding will attract settlers each of whom can pay 1 [silver piece] in taxes per month.

Fighters start off with the best Saving Throw chance of all the classes, although they will be overtaken by Thieves eventually. They gain a Save Bonus against all physical attacks, including effects caused by weapons (including wands and staves) and abilities and spells that approximate attacks (Fireballs, dragon breath, etc.).

Level Title XP required Attack
Hit Dice Saving
1 Fighter 0 +1 1+2 13 +1
2 Paviser 2000 +2 2+1 13 +1
3 Thane 4000 +3 3 13 +1
4 Knight 8000 +5 4 11 +1
5 Guardian 16,000 +6 5 11 +3
6 Defender 32,000 +7 6 11 +3
7 Protector 65,000 +8 7 9 +3
8 Vindicator 130,000 +10 8+1 9 +3
9 Lord 240,000 +11 9+2 9 +5
10 Lord, 10th 360,000 +11 10 7 +5
11 Lord, 11th 480,000 +12 10+2 7 +5
12 Lord, 12th 600,000 +12 11 7 +5
+240,000 1 HD/2 levels


These are potentially the most powerful class but they are also the most vulnerable; they can wear no armor and can use only silver and wooden weapons – the presence of iron, even iron buckles etc., close to the body disrupts their ability to channel their powers. This effectively means that they are restricted to silver daggers or spears (larger blades being impractical to make with silver), clubs and staves as weapons. A magic-user can, however, cast magic spells. He begins play with a spell book containing [some of the] 1st level spells and can cast a number of spells from memory each day appropriate for his experience level. He gains access to spells of successive spell levels as he advances in experience, and can devise his own spells besides. One of these spells is always Read Magic.

A magic-user has use of the greatest selection of enchanted items. All save for arms (other than daggers and staves), armor, and a handful of clerical items are at his disposal. Should these prove insufficient a magic-user of at least 9th level can enchant items of his own. The cost and time required to enchant an item will be commensurate with its value.

[Any given magic-user can also scribe spell scrolls for later use, starting from 1st level. They must ‘know’ the spell before they can transcribe it to a scroll – it is not possible to make scrolls based on either other scrolls or somebody else’s spell book. Enchanted scrolls must be created using rare and expensive materials, the mundane and commonplace being unable to capture the requisite magical ‘spark’. The cost increases together with the spell level:

Spell Level Cost
1st 100
2nd 400
3rd 900
4th 1600
5th 2500
6th 3600
7th 4900
8th 6400
9th 8100

These scrolls can be used freely by the scribe; other magic-users may use them according to the normal procedures described under the Read magic spell.]

Magic-Users have mediocre saves overall and rather slow progression, but due to their knowledge of occult wards and counterspells have a substantial saving throw bonus versus spells of all sorts, including spell-like abilities used by monsters. This does not include natural monster abilities that approximate physical spell effects such as dragon breath, but does include Fireballs, Lightning Bolts and other ‘physical attack’ spells that are incanted by a Magic-User or magic-using creature.

Level Title XP required Attack
Hit Dice Saving
1 Famulus 0 0 1 16 +4
2 Chirosophist 2500 0 1+1 16 +4
3 Tregetour 5000 +1 2 15 +4
4 Pellar 10,000 +1 3 15 +6
5 Theurge 22,500 +2 3+1 14 +6
6 Thaumaturge 40,000 +3 4 14 +6
7 Talismanist 60,000 +3 5 13 +8
8 Solonist 90,000 +4 5+1 13 +8
9 Mirabulist 135,000 +4 6 12 +8
10 Magus 250,000 +4 7 12 +10
11 Archimagus 375,000 +5 7+1 11 +10
12 Archimagus, 12th 750,000 +5 7+2 11 +10
+375,000 1 HD/4 levels

[XP Progression: AD&D PHB]

Magic-User Spells per Level

Magic-User Level Spells Memorised/Day by Spell Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 - - - - - - - -
2 2 - - - - - - - -
3 3 1 - - - - - - -
4 4 2 - - - - - - -
5 4 2 1 - - - - - -
6 4 2 2 - - - - - -
7 4 3 2 1 - - - - -
8 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9 4 3 3 2 1 - - - -
10 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11 4 4 4 3 3 - - - -
12 4 4 4 4 4 1 - - -
13 5 5 5 4 4 2 - - -
14 5 5 5 4 4 3 1 - -
15 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 - -
16 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 -
17 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 2 -
18 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 2 1
19 7 7 7 7 7 6 3 3 2
20 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 2


Thieves are nimble practitioners of stealth and guile. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily weak or small—Conan was a Thief. Thieves may use any of the normal weapons of Fighting-Men save the bow (though they may use the crossbow), but some magic weapons will be off-limits to them. For armor they may take advantage of leather, a helmet and a buckler only. Thieves will usually choose to equip themselves lightly. As a consequence they will often be the best choice for operations involving moving quietly, climbing and so on. Thieves have these special talents:

Most Thieves grew up “on the street” in a large city. As a result, all speak Cant—the language of the urban underworld. They are adept at making contact with the criminal element or black market in any familiar or even somewhat familiar town or city, as well as where possible, lining up a free or inexpensive “safe-house” to lie low in for a awhile (though that sort of living arrangement may not sit well with all party members).

At 10th level a Thief may attempt to establish a guild of thieves, beggars or the like, or, for more “reformed” characters, an orphanage, hospital, home for the indigent, factory or merchant trading company. Of course nothing precludes creating an entity that combines more than one of these functions!

Thieves begin with a rather poor Saving Throw value but due to their preternatural luck this progresses more rapidly than the other classes. They gain an additional bonus against all traps and other mishaps caused by environmental hazards.

Level Title XP required Attack
Hit Dice Saving
1 Borrower 0 0 (+9) 1 15 +2
2 Mouser 1500 +1 (+9) 2 14 +2
3 Gilter 3000 +2 (+9) 2+1 13 +2
4 Dodger 6000 +3 (+9) 3 13 +2
5 Courser 12,000 +4 (+16) 4 12 +2
6 Rescuer 25,000 +4 (+16) 5 11 +2
7 Targeteer 50,000 +5 (+16) 5+1 10 +4
8 Swordman 90,000 +5 (+16) 6 9 +4
9 Thief 160,000 +6 (+24) 7 9 +4
10 Master Thief 240,000 +6 (+24) 7+1 8 +4
11 Master Thief, 11th 320,000 +7 (+24) 7+2 7 +4
12 Master Thief, 12th 400,000 +9 (+24) 8 6 +4
+160,000 1 HD/3 levels

[XP Progression: Delving Deeper, as per Cleric]

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