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Example of language acquisition:

Zooboid, a Fighter with an Intelligence of 13, is entitled to one bonus language. He rolls percentile dice to determine the rarity of the language known, achieving a 98. He therefore knows a ‘Very Rare’ language. Rerolling the percentile dice, he gets a result of 19; he has somehow learned the language of the Druids!

Language Type

d% Result Language Type
01-35 Common
36-85 Uncommon
86-95 Rare
96-00 Very Rare


d% Result Language
01-20 Law
21-40 Goblin
41-60 Kobold
61-80 Ogre
81-00 Orcish


d% Result Language d% Result Language
01-09 Neutrality 65-73 Hobgoblin
10-18 Bugbear 74-79 Lizard Man
19-27 Centaur 80-85 Merman
28-38 Dwarvish 86-88 Stone Giant
39-48 Elvish 89-94 Troll
49-54 Hill Giant 95-97 Wererat
55-64 Halfling 98-00 Werewolf


d% Result Language d% Result Language
01-04 Chaos 49-51 Leprechaun
05-08 Black Dragon 52-54 Manticore
09-11 Blue Dragon 55-58 Medusa
12-14 Brass Dragon 59-62 Minotaur
15-17 Bronze Dragon 63-65 Nixie
18-20 Chimera 66-68 Pixieish
21-23 Cloud Giant 69-72 Red Dragon
24-26 Copper Dragon 73-76 Roc
27-29 Fire Giant 77-79 Spirit Naga
30-32 Frost Giant 80-82 Treant
33-35 Gargoyle 83-85 Troglodyte
36-38 Gnomish 86-88 Water Naga
39-41 Green Dragon 89-92 Werebear
42-45 Harpy 93-96 Wereboar
46-48 Lammasu 97-00 White Dragon

Very Rare

d% Result Language d% Result Language
01-03 Barsoomian 52-54 Phase Spider
04-07 Cyclops 55-57 Roper
08-10 Djinni 58-60 Salamander
11-14 Doppelganger 61-63 Silver Dragon
15-17 Dragon Turtle 64-66 Solian
18-21 Druidic 67-70 Storm Giant
22-25 Dryad 71-74 Thieves’ Cant
26-28 Efreeti 75-77 Tentacle Man
29-32 Fairy 78-80 Titan
33-35 False Gnomish 81-84 Triton
36-38 Golden Dragon 85-87 Unicorn
39-41 Guardian Naga 88-91 Weretiger
42-44 Ogre Mage 92-94 Wind Walker
45-48 Pegasus 95-97 Witch
49-51 Phaetonian 98-00 Yeti

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