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Any given adventurer has a bloodline. These function essentially as additional classes and experience points must be divided evenly between each when they are earned, while a leftover XP point may be allocated as the player desires; for example, a Changeling Fighter who earns 1001XP in an expedition may put 501XP into his Changeling ‘class’ total, and 500XP into his Fighter XP pool (or vice versa).

Available options are:


Humans, at least the sort who are adaptable enough to become capable adventurers and warriors, are fast learners who are beloved of the gods, so they have no racial class and, therefore, may put their full XP into their primary class, leading to more rapid advancement in the same.

While a more exotic race provides powerful new capabilities, they do slow down levelling overall.


Gateways to the strange and beautiful realm of the Elves can sometimes be found in the secret spaces of the world. Ocassionally, for their own eerie purposes, an Elf will have congress with a human, or sometimes replace a human child with a hybrid born of an Elf and another, more bestial demihuman race (often an Orc); these children grow into Changelings.

Changelings are almost indistinguishable from humans but they have an uncanny presence and some small physical marks of their parentage; for example, pointed ears, more canine teeth than usual (especially in the case of Changelings with no human blood), long and slender fingers, gold-flecked eyes, etc. They will usually be considered unsettling by NPCs of other races even if they are not ‘pegged’ as Changelings.

Changelings advance as both Magic-Users and Fighters, although not both at once. Prior to each adventure, a Changeling must decide to function as a Magic-User or a Fighter and will have the relevant abilities, and be subject to the relevant restrictions (weapons, armour, magic items, etc.), for that class for the duration of that adventure (except as modified by the Changeling’s racial features, as described below). Any XP earned is divided between the Changeling’s racial class and the class they are adventuring as. A Changeling therefore effectively has three classes, although their level and rate of advancement between their primary classes might well be very different!

Due to their ‘split class’ capabilities, Changelings use their racial HP total regardless of their primary class’ values; ie. their HP value does not change when their primary class does.

Changeling Experience Table

Level Title XP Required Hit Dice Fencing
1 0 1+1 0 +1
2 1500 2 +1 +1
3 3500 2+2 +1 +2
4 7000 3+1 +1 +2
5 15,000 4 +2 +2
6 35,000 4+2 +2 +3
7 80,000 5 +2 +3
8 180,000 5+2 +3 +4
9 300,000 6+1 +3 +4
10 420,000 6+2 +3 +4
11 600,000 7 +4 +5
12 800,000 7+2 +4 +5
13+ +200,000 per level 1HD per 3 levels +4 (max.) +6 (max.)

Changeling Additional Spells Table

First Second Third Fourth Fifth
1 1
2 2
3 2 1
4 2 2
5 3 2
6 3 2 1
7 3 3 1
8 3 3 2
9 3 3 2 1
10 4 3 2 1
11 4 4 2 1
12 4 4 3 1
13 4 4 3 2
14 4 4 4 2
15 4 4 4 3
16+ 4 4 4 3 1

Changeling Available Spells


First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level
1. Dancing Lights Audible Glamer
2. Detect Magic Blur
3. Faerie Fire Detect Invisible
4. Locate Animals Hold Animal
5. Monster Summon I Hypnotic Pattern
6. Predict Weather Invisibility
7. Snake Charm Locate Plants
8. Speak With Animals Monster Summon II
9. Snake Charm Pyrotechnics
10. Ventriloquism Silence, 15’ Radius



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